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Caso você saiba a categoria da sua dúvida, você pode escolher uma das categorias abaixo para perguntas frequentes. Catalogo:
Q (542):
After installing the system, I noticed that the power supply fan wasn't spinning when I powered it on, but the system booted up normally. Is this normal?(12/19/2024)
A:Yes, this is normal.
The power supply supports the iCOOL Intelligent Fan Control Mode.
When "iCOOL Mode" is enabled, the power supply operates in an energy-saving manner, allowing the fan to remain off during low to moderate loads. The fan will only activate when the power load increases or the temperature rises above a certain threshold.
This feature operates in "Auto" mode by default, but certain models feature or include an iCOOL Intelligent Fan Control Mode switch. You can refer to the specifications of your selected model to determine whether it operates automatically or includes the iCOOL Intelligent Fan Control Mode switch.
#Supply #Power #icool #Fan #ECO
Q (543):
If I complete the system installation and find that the system won't power on, what should I do?(12/19/2024)
A:If the system fails to power on, please follow the steps below for verification and troubleshooting:
1. Check the power plug: Ensure that the power plug is securely connected to the power outlet.
2. Verify input voltage: Confirm that the input voltage displayed on the power supply switch matches the voltage of the power outlet.
3. Inspect components and cables: Check that all components and peripheral device cables inside the system are properly installed.
4. Repeat I/O switch operations: Attempt to turn the I/O switch on and off several times, allowing a 5-second interval between each attempt.
5. Check compatibility and CPU status: Ensure that the system components meet compatibility standards and verify that the CPU is functioning correctly.
6. Inspect the chassis switch: Examine the chassis switch for stuck keys, damage, or other abnormal conditions.
If the system still does not function properly after completing the above steps, contact an authorized service provider for assistance with further inspection or repairs.
Avoid attempting to replace hardware yourself, as this may lead to unexpected damage.
#Power #Supply
Q (540):
If I encounter an issue with LED lighting not working on the Intel Z890 series and adjusting ASRock Polychrome RGB in the BIOS has no effect, what should I do?(11/29/2024)
A:If you notice that the LED lighting on your Intel Z890 series is not functioning, please visit ASRock's official website and download ASRock Polychrome RGB version 2.0.190 or a newer version for your operating system.
Q (523):
Which BIOS settings do I need to adjust when using 13.3” Side Panel?(3/1/2023)
A:Before using your side panel, please set "Primary Graphics Adapter” to "Onboard” in the BIOS settings to ensure the display work properly.
Intel 700 series:
To do so, please go to "Advanced”> "Chipset Configuration” and set "Primary Graphics Adapter” to "Onboard”. Then press [F10] to save the settings and restart the system.
Please go to "Advanced”> "Onboard Device Configuration” and set "Display Priority” to "Internal Graphics”. Then press [F10] to save the settings and restart the system.
Q (512):
How do I know the power supply is the single rail type or multi rail type?(3/1/2022)
A:You can check the label on the power supply, it show the detailed specification of the power supply.
If you only see one "+12V” on your power supply, it means your power supply is "single rail” design.
For example.
If you only see multiple"+12V” on your power supply, it means your power supply is "multi rail” design.
For example.
Q (504):
How do I check if the system can support Secure Boot?(10/1/2021)
A:In order to use Secure Boot, the drive with the operating system must use GPT partition style. Please refer to below steps to check the partition style.
Step 1: Right-click the Windows button on the desktop and select "Disk Management”.
Step 2: Right-click the disk where Windows is installed and select the "Properties”.
Step 3: Click the "Volumes” tab and check if the partition style is "GPT”.
Step 4: If the partition style is "MBR”, please make a backup of important data on the system and refer to steps 5 - 7 to convert the partition style to GPT.
Step 5: Type "CMD" in the Windows search bar, right-click on "Command Prompt” and choose to run as administrator.
Step 6: Type the command "mbr2gpt /convert /allowFullOS” to convert the partition style and press [Enter].
Step 7: Restart the system and the BIOS Mode/Partition style will be converted to UEFI/GPT.
Q (503):
If I have two or three PSUs for my mining system, how do I connect the PSUs to the H510 Pro BTC+ and the graphics cards?(8/1/2021)
A:Please refer to the images below.
[Recommended connections when using two power supplies]
[Recommended connections when using three power supplies]
Q (498):
How to enable C.A.M in the BIOS? Also known as Resizable BAR.(4/1/2021)
A:Step 1: On the ASRock website please find the BIOS download page for you motherboard.
Check the descriptions to see if C.A.M. is supported already.
Intel 500-series models support C.A.M. since the first version.
Step 2: While the system is starting press "DEL” to boot into BIOS setup and go to BIOS\Boot\CSM.
If you cannot find the CSM menu then please set "Fast Boot” to "Disabled”.
Step 3: In BIOS\Boot\CSM please set "CSM” to "Disabled”.
Step 4: Go to BIOS\Advanced\Chipset Configuration and set "Above 4G Decoding” to "Enabled”.
Step 5: After step 4, the option "C.A.M” will appear below the option "Above 4G Decoding”.
Please set it to "Enabled”.
Step 6: Press "F10” to save the settings and restart the system.
Q (496):
How can I clear the CMOS on my Intel 500 series motherboard?(2/1/2021)
A:Please follow the steps below.
Step 1: Disconnect the PSU from the motherboard.
Step 2: Find the CLRMOS header by referring to the motherboard user manual.
Below picture shows what the header should look like.
Step 3: Use a conductive metal object to short the CLRMOS header for at least 30 seconds. You can use for example a paperclip, key, coin or a screwdriver.
Step 4: Remove the metal object from the CLRMOS header and then wait at least 5 more minutes.
Step 5: After 5 minutes please reconnect the PSU and power on the system.
Q (492):
Como eu habilito a Optane H10 quando outro SSD Intel M.2 estiver instalado na Plataforma Intel Série 300/400?(9/1/2020)
A:Para habilitar a memória Optane H10 enquanto outro SSD Intel M.2 estiver instalado, por favor siga os seguintes passos:
Passo 1. Certifique-se de que a memória H10 Optane está instalada no soquete M.2 que suporta Optane checando a seção de armazenamento na página da placa-mãe.
Passo 4. Ative a opção Teton Glacier Mode na BIOS e pressione F10 para salvar as configurações.
Advanced\Storage Configuration\Teton Glacier Mode\Dynamic Configuration for Hybrid Storage Device Enable
Passo 5. Execute a ferramenta Intel Optane Memory and Storage Management da Microsoft store.
Passo 6. Ative a memória Optane. (Será necessário reiniciar)
Passo 7. Após o reinicio do sistema, a ferramenta Optane Management irá exibir que a memória Optane está ativada.
Q (491):
Eu adicionei um módulo WiFi ao meu sistema. Como eu instalo as antenas WiFi para a placa-mãe com o I/O Shield flexível integrado?(8/1/2020)
A:Para instalar antenas WiFi, por favor siga os seguintes passos para remover a proteção do I/O da placa-mãe.
Passo 1.
Por favor remova os dois parafusos da parte de baixo da placa-mãe antes de remover a proteção do I/O. A localização dos parafusos estão indicadas abaixo.
*Os diagramas exibidos aqui são apenas para referência. Os parafusos podem estar em posições diferentes em sua placa-mãe
Passo 2.
Para remover a proteção do I/O, deslize a proteção do I/O para fora até que ela saia dos encaixes (A), e a levante (B). Então desconecte o cabo IO_LED_HEADER1 (C).
* Os diagramas exibidos aqui são apenas para referência. O conector pode estar em uma posição diferente em sua placa-mãe
Passo 3.
Instale as antenas WiFi no I/O shield.
Q (481):
How can I enable wake on LAN function under S5 status in Windows 10 with Intel I211 LAN port?(8/1/2019)
A:Step 1: Please visit ASRock website to download the Intel LAN driver.
Step 2: Refer to the FAQ from the following link to modify the shutdown behavior under Windows 10.
Step 3: Go to device manager and right click the "Intel® I211/I219 Gigabit Network Connection” LAN device to choose the "Properties”.
Step 4: Intel LAN driver may have two different "Properties”.
(A) The driver supports "Power saver and Wake on LAN” Option.
Please go to Power management to check all of Wake on LAN function.
(B) The driver supports "Enabled PME” Option.
Go to "Advanced” and enable the "Enabled PME” option.
Q (478):
Se houver um novo driver disponível no site da ASRock para a minha placa de vídeo, eu devo atualizar o driver?(3/1/2019)
A:Um novo driver pode ser necessário pelas seguintes razões:
1. Para suportar novos produtos ou novos recursos
2. Para otimizar o desempenho gráfico ou desempenho de jogo
3. Para corrigir problemas conhecidos ou refinar recursos existentes
Se o seu sistema estiver funcionando corretamente, nós não recomendamos atualizar o driver.
Se você precisar atualizar para um novo driver, você precisa primeiramente desinstalar o driver original, reiniciar o computador, e então instalar o novo driver.
Q (474):
I have intermittent black screen or display loss problems. What should I do?(3/1/2019)
Q (475):
Eu não consigo instalar o driver de vídeo. Como eu posso resolver isso?(3/1/2019)
A:1. Por favor faça o download do driver de vídeo mais atual a partir do site oficial.
2. Certifique-se de que a versão do driver de vídeo é compatível com o sistema operacional atual.
3. Clique com o botão direito "Computador” e escolha "Gerenciar”.
4. Clique em "Gerenciador de Dispositivos” e dê um clique duplo em "Adaptadores de vídeo”.
5. Clique com o botão direito na placa de vídeo e clique em "Atualizar driver”.
6. Clique em "Procurar software de driver no meu computador”.
7. Procure o driver que foi baixado no Passo 1.
8. Uma vez que o driver for instalado com sucesso, você verá o modelo da placa de vídeo.
Q (477):
Eu posso utilizar um adaptador DVI para D-sub na ASRock série RX500?(3/1/2019)
A:A série RX500 não suporta saídas D-sub, portanto adaptadores DVI para D-sub não são suportados.
Já para um conversor HDMI/DP para D-sub, é necessário um chip adaptador de terceiros, o que pode causar alguns problemas como falta de sinal, falta de imagem, etc.
Nós recomendamos fortemente que os usuários utilizem uma conexão DP, HDMI ou DVI diretamente à placa.
Q (479):
Eu instalei uma placa de vídeo em meu sistema, mas o monitor não exibe nenhum sinal. O que eu devo fazer?(3/1/2019)
A:Por favor siga as seguintes instruções para checar seu sistema.
1. Desconecte a placa de vídeo e verifique se o sistema exibe imagem a partir do vídeo onboard.
Caso não exiba, o problema pode ser causado por outros periféricos e não pela placa de vídeo.
2. Verifique as conexões de cabo entre a placa de vídeo e o monitor.
3. Certifique-se de que o cabo de alimentação PCIe está bem conectado à placa de vídeo.
4. Assegure que a configuração da entrada de sinal está definida corretamente para a saída da placa de vídeo (DVI, HDMI, DP…).
5. Se a sua placa-mãe suportar mais de um slot PCIe, por favor instale a placa de vídeo em outro slot PCIe e faça o teste novamente.
Q (476):
Como eu habilito a função AMD ReLive?(3/1/2019)
A:Por favor siga os seguintes passos para habilitar a função AMD ReLive.
Passo 1 – Vá até o site da ASRock para fazer o download do driver da AMD.
Passo 2 – Selecione "Install Radeon ReLive” após a instalação do driver.
Passo 3 – Vá para a página do ReLive e altere ReLive para ON para ativar a função.
Passo 4 – A função ReLive está habilitada.
Q (415):
Como gravar o MAC address de sua placa-mãe?(6/1/2016)
A:1. Por favor abra o gabinete e você encontrará uma etiqueta no canto da placa com o MAC ID de 12 dígitos.
3. Extraia o arquivo como a pasta "MAC161B” e então coloque todo o conteúdo da pasta na raiz de uma unidade USB bootável.
4. Inicie a placa pressionando [F11] para entrar no Menu de Boot, selecione sua unidade USB em seguida.
5. No ambiente DOS, por favor digite o seguinte comando:
Cd MAC161B
(XXXXXXXXXXXX é o MAC Address; por favor consulte o passo 1 para verificar a etiqueta do MAC)
6. Após digitar as instruções, o sistema irá gravar o MAC address automaticamente.
7. Quando for exibida mensagem "Done”, o MAC address já terá sido gravado com sucesso.
Você pode reiniciar para o sistema operacional.
Q (405):
Quando eu tento utilizar um sistema operacional convidade de 64-bit no VMware, o sistema exibe "This host supports Intel VT-X, but Intel VT-X is disabled".(12/1/2015)
A:Por favor configure "Intel Virtualization Technology" na BIOS para ativar o VT-x.
(BIOS -> Advanced -> CPU Configuration -> Defina "Intel Virtualization Technology" para "Enabled")
Q (408):
Como eu posso mudar o comportamento de desligamento do Windows 10 de Hibernar (S4) para desligar (S5)?(12/1/2015)
A:Por favor siga os passos abaixo no Windows 10.
1.Abra [Sistema] no Windows 10.
2.Selecione [Energia e suspensão] e entre em [Configurações de energia adicionais]
3.Selecione [Escolher a função dos botões de energia].
4.Selecione [Alterar configurações não disponíveis no momento].
5.Desmarque [Ligar inicialização rápida], e então salve as alterações.
Q (399):
Após eu atualizar o driver de rede Killer da versão: para a versão : no Windows 10, a rede não funciona. Como eu corrijo isso?(8/1/2015)
A:Se você atualizou o driver de rede Killer da versão para uma versão mais nova no Windows 10 x86/x64, pode fazer com que o driver de rede não funciona corretamente. Por favor siga os passos abaixo para corrigir o problema.
Passo 1: Abra o Gerenciador de Dispositivos e desinstale o driver de rede Killer.
Passo 2: Marque a caixa de seleção e pressione [OK].
Passo 3: Procure por alterações de hardware.
Passo 4: Execute o novo driver de rede Killer ou versões mais novas e pressione [Remove] e então reinicie o sistema.
Passo 5: Instale o novo driver de rede Killer e então reinicie o sistema.
Q (384):
Quando o 3DMark está rodando, o sistema trava durante os testes ou as vezes dá uma mensagem de erro "process exited unexpectedly". O que eu devo fazer?(12/1/2014)
A:Por favor verifique se a opção "APCI HPET table" está ativada na BIOS, ou por favor desabilite "Systeminfo Scan" no 3Dmark.
Para mais sugestões sobre o 3Dmark, por favor consulte o FAQ do 3Dmark:
Q (362):
Após instalar todos os drivers do CD de suporte, ainda existem dois dispositivos desconhecidos "IKBMON_01" e "IMSMON_01" no gerenciador de dispositivos na minha placa-mãe série H61. Que drivers eu devo instalar para eles?
Q (356):
Quando eu instalo o Windows 8.1 em modo GPT, tem uma marca d'água no canto inferior direito que diz "Secure boot isn't configured correctly". Como eu posso corrigir isso ?(10/1/2013)
A:Por favor entre em BIOS\Security para ativar a opção [Secure Boot] e escolha Install Default Secure Boot Keys, e então pressione [F10] para salvar as configurações e reiniciar o sistema.
Q (357):
Quando eu uso o Sunlogin App para controlar meu sistema através de um dispositivo Android, há uma mensagem de erro durante o controle remoto. Como eu resolvo este problema?(10/1/2013)
A:Por favor atualize para a última versão do cliente Sunlogin no PC e no dispositivo a partir do website da Sunlogin:
Q (354):
Meu leitor de cartões SD no Wi-SD box não consegue detectar cartões SD. Como eu faço para que o leitor de cartões SD funcione corretamente?(9/1/2013)
Q (353):
Quando eu conecto um cabo de força de 4-pinos ao Wi-SD box, meu sistema não desliga. O que eu devo fazer?(9/1/2013)
A:O Wi-SD box pode funcionar normalmente sem o capo de força de 4-pinos adicional.
Por favor siga os passos abaixo para instalar o Wi-SD box.
Q (346):
No gabinete combo ATX e micro-ATX, quais furos são necessários para instalar uma placa-mãe micro-ATX?(7/1/2013)
A:Por favor consulte abaixo os furos do formato ATX e micro-ATX.
Passo1. Por favor instale as bases de cobre nos furos localizados em B, C, F, H, J, L e M.
Passo2. Para os locais R e S, verifique os furos localizados na placa-mãe.
Por favor instale as bases de cobre para sua placa-mãe.
Q (340):
Como eu instalo a CPU em placas-mãe de soquete 115x ?(3/1/2013)
A:Há dois tipos diferentes de proteção do soquete, por favor verifique o tipo de proteção e então siga o procedimento indicado para instalar a CPU.
Tipo A: proteção em cima do soquete da CPU. Passo 1. Abra o soquete da CPU sem remover a proteção: Desengate a alavanca pressionando ela para baixo e deslize-a para fora do gancho. Neste ponto, você não precise remover a capa de proteção.
Passo 2. Insira a CPU 115x-Pinos: Certifique-se de localizar o Pino1 e os dois pontos de orientação, então coloque a CPU no soquete com cuidado.
Passo 3. Feche o soquete: Abaixe a alavanca de carregamento, e trave com a base de carregamento sob a aba de retenção. A tampa de proteção irá sair sozinha.
Tipo B: proteção dentro do soquete da CPU. Passo 1. Abra o soquete da CPU: Desengate a alavanca pressionando-a para baixo e deslizando-a para fora do gancho.
Passo 2. Remova a capa de proteção: Coloque o dedo indicador na parte superior da capa de proteção. Use seu polegar para remover a capa de proteção do soquete elevando-a.
NUNCA remova a capa de proteção como mostrado abaixo. A remoção incorreta da capa de proteção pode danificar os contatos do soquete da CPU
Passo 3. Insira a CPU de 115x-Pinos: Certifique-se de localizar o Pino1 e os dois pontos de orientação, então coloque a CPU no soquete com cuidado.
Passo 4. Feche o soquete: Abaixe a alavanca de carregamento, e trave com a base de carregamento sob a aba de retenção.
Q (341):
Eu não consigo copier arquivos através das portas USB3.0 ASMedia quando utilizo o XFast USB no Windows 8. Como resolvo este problema?(3/1/2013)
A:Se você quiser utilizar o XFast USB na porta USB3.0 ASMedia, por favor desinstale o driver ASMedia USB3.0 e utilize o driver padrão do Windows 8.
Q (334):
O que é Dr. Debug e como soluciono problemas com esse códigos?(2/1/2013)
A:Dr. Debug fornece códigos que representam diversos erros que seu sistema pode encontrar. Por favor consulte os diagramas abaixo para ler os códigos de Dr. Debug e como solucionar os problemas.
Por favor verifique se a CPU está instalada corretamente e depois limpe o CMOS.
Problema relacionado à memória, placa VGA ou outros dispositivos. Por favor limpe o CMOS, reinstale a memória e a placa VGA, e remova outros dispositivos USB e PCI.
01 - 54 (except 0d), 5A- 60
Problema relacionado à memória. Por favor reinstale a CPU e memória e depois limpe o CMOS. Se o problema persistir, por favor instale apenas um modulo de memória ou tente usar outros módulos de memória.
A memória não pôde ser detectada. Por favor reinstale a memória e a CPU. Se o problema persistir, por favor instale apenas um modulo de memória ou tente usar outros módulos de memória.
61 - 91
Erro de inicialização do Chipset. Por favor pressione reset ou limpe o CMOS.
92 - 99
Problema relacionado ao dispositivo PCI-E. Por favor reinstale os dispositivos PCI-E ou tente instalá-los em outros slots. Se o problema persistir, por favor remova todos os dispositivos PCI-E ou tente utilizar outra placa VGA.
A0 - A7
Problema relacionado aos dispositivos IDE ou SATA. Por favor reinstale os dispositivos IDE e SATA e se o problema persistir, por favor limpe o CMOS e tente remover todos os dispositivos SATA.
Problema relacionado à memória. Por favor reinstale a CPU e Memória. Se o problema persistir, Por favor instale somente um modulo de memória ou tente usar outros módulos de memória. * Para modelos X79, por favor tente instalar a memória nos slots DDR3 A1, B1, C1 e D1.
Problema relacionado aos dispositivos USB. Por favor tente remover todos os dispositivos USB.
Problema relacionado à memóriaPor favor reinstale a CPU e a Memória e depois limpe o CMOS. Se o problema persistir, por favor instale somente um modulo de memória ou tente usar outros módulos de memória.
A VGA não pôde ser reconhecida. Por favor limpe o CMOS e tente reinstalar a placa VGA. Se o problema persistir, por favor tente instalar a placa VGA em outros slots ou use outra placa VGA.
O teclado e o mouse não puderam ser reconhecidos. Por favor tente reinstalar o teclado e o mouse.
Senha inválida.
Por favor verifique se a CPU está instalada corretamente e depois limpe o CMOS.
Q (336):
Duplos Sistemas operacionais funcionarão com Fast Boot?(2/1/2013)
A:Sim, funcionarão. Mas como o modo Fast Boot só inicializa um volume de disco rígido/RAID, por favor certifique-se de que os sistemas de operação estão instalados no mesmo volume HDD/RAID.
Q (330):
Após atualizar a BIOS, minha CPU Intel IVY Bridge e placa-mãe com chipset Intel série 6 apresenta uma tela azul e não inicializa mais no Windows 8. O que devo fazer?(1/1/2013)
A:Por causa da atualização o Intel ME modifica o comportamento de boot do Windows 8.
Por favor utilize o CD o Windows 8 para reparar o sistema.
Q (328):
Eu devo atualizar o driver Intel INF para a versão no Windows 7?(12/1/2012)
A:Nós recomendamos que você utilize o driver Intel INF disponível em nosso CD de suporte ou website ASRock.
Se você quiser reinstalar seu sistema, por favor installe o driver Intel INF driver antes de instalar outros drivers do CD de suporte.
Q (323):
Minha placa suporta o Windows 8?(10/1/2012)
A:Por favor, consulte nossa página do Windows8 para uma lista de placas suportadas. Link da página
Se o seu modelo não estiver listado na nas placas suportadas Windows 8, por favor teste primeiro os drivers anexados.
Q (322):
Como eu posso mudar o comportamento do desligamento do Windows8 de Hibernar (S4) para desligar (S5)?(10/1/2012)
A:Por favor, siga a configuração abaixo no Windows8
1. Entre no Painel de Controle.
2. Procure [Opções de Energia], e selecione [Alterar o funcionamento dos botões de energia].
3. Selecione [Alterar configurações não disponíveis no momento].
4. Desmarque o item [Ligar a inicialização rápida], e então salve as alterações.
5. Pronto.
Q (318):
Após atualizar a BIOS para suportar a CPU Ivy Bridge, há um dispositivo desconhecido "INT33A0" no gerenciador de dispositivos. O que devo fazer?
A:Este é o dispositivo Intel Smart Connect. Você pode desabilitar a opção Intel Smart Connect na BIOS, ou seguir os seguintes passos para instalar o driver correspondente.
Passo 1: Faça o download do driver Intel Smart Connect de nosso site:
Passo 2: Instale o driver e reinicie o sistema.
Q (313):
Eu não consigo terminar a instalação do AXTU no Windows7 Japonês, o que posso fazer?(5/1/2012)
Q (295):
Etron USB3.0 ports could not detect my USB3.0 devices with JMicron IC, what should I do?(9/1/2011)
A:Please follow the steps below,,
1. Please update your Etron USB3.0 driver v0.104 from the link below,
2. Please contact JMicron and ask them to help you with firmware update.
You could contact JMicron with information below,
Please kindly inform JMicron the driver version (v0.104) you are using for their reference.
Q (294):
How could I enabled "Data Execution Protection (DEP)" supported from CPU?(9/1/2011)
A:Please enter BIOS, and set [No execute Memory Protection] to [Enabled].
You could find the option by BIOS-> Advanced-> CPU Configuration-> Set [No execute Memory Protection] to [Enabled.]
Q (293):
I would like to test the VT-d feature. Do you have an SOP for it?(9/1/2011)
※ System requirements are listed below,
i. 2048MB or larger of RAM (Minimum system requirements of VMWare)
ii. K-series CPU does not support VT-d
Q (288):
When using Windows MCE, the system sometimes wake up automatically. How do I solve this problem?(6/1/2011)
A:Please kindly refer to below picture to disable "Automatically download Windows Media Center data between the following times" option under MCE.
(Path: MCE-> Task->Settings-> General->Automatic Download options-> Automatically download Windows Media Center data between the following time.)
Q (286):
What's the meaning of AMI UEFI BIOS Beep code?(4/1/2011)
A:Please refer to below form for the beep code and debug code of AMI UEFI BIOS.
Beeps Code
Debug Code
No beep
With goodnight LED enabled, debug code will disappear after the beep.
No beep
No debug code
Bad memory
No beep
Without memory
3 long beeps
Without CPU
No beep(No Power)
No debug code
Without VGA card
5 long beeps
Beeps at"d6", then show "0d"
Q (282):
Why can't my iPhone4 be recognized by Etron USB3.0 controller?(3/14/2011)
Q (280):
After installing Daemon Tool, why can't my system play Blu-Ray movie via PowerDVD10?(3/14/2011)
A:Please enable "Advanced Emulation" in the preferences page of Daemon Tool
Q (281):
If using Directory Opus, how do I improve the performance of network transfer speed?(3/14/2011)
A:Please adjust following setting in your system.
1.In Directory Opus utility, please increase the buffer size to 9999
2.Green Ethernet = Disable
3.Interrupt Moderation = Disable
Q (264):
Could I connect USB2.0 cable to USB3.0 external HDD device and USB3.0 external HDD device run at SuperSpeed mode?(5/6/2010)
A:USB3.0 and USB2.0 cable has some differences, please refer below picture to check your USB cable is USB2.0 or USB3.0
If you connect USB2.0 cable on USB3.0 external HDD device like below, it will not run at SuperSpeed mode.
Please connect USB3.0 cable on USB3.0 external HDD device to run at SuperSpeed mode.
Q (260):
Can I use water cooling as my CPU fan?(11/21/2009)
A:We recommend use Intel® or AMD® stock cooler instead of water cooling. It has better air flow in the chassis.
Q (262):
I connect my IR receiver to onboard IR header , how can I make it work under Windows® 7?(11/21/2009)
A:Please do the Windows® update, which you may refer to the Fig.1 as below.
Q (259):
Does my motherboard support Windows® 7?(11/21/2009)
A:Please refer our website for windows7 support list.
Website link:
If your models are not listed on Windows® 7 support list, please kindly try inbox driver first.
Or go to chipset vender website to download the chipset driver.
Intel® website:
AMD® website:
NVIDIA® website:
Realtek website:
VIA® website:
If you got any further issues, please contact ASRock TSD :
Q (250):
I can not virtual 64bit OS, when I adopt AMD® CPU with Sun's xVM virtual Box software. How can I do?(6/25/2009)
A:1. Please make sure your OS is 64bit and also check your CPU, whether support AMD-V.
2. [Enable] [Secure Virtual Machine] option in the BIOS.
3. Please check the [Enable Nested Paging] box in Sun's xVM virtual box software.
And then you can virtual 64bit OS.
Q (246):
When I use Vista 64bit SP1 OS, the [Event viewer] in the OS shows
Kernel-Proessor-Power error, but the OS works fine. How can I solve this error in the [Event viewer]?(2/27/2009)
A:Please check the BIOS setting.
A)-> If you use Intel® CPU, please [Enable] the [Intel® Speedstep ™ tech] option in
the BIOS
B)-> If you use AMD® CPU, please [Enable] the [Cool'n'Quiet] option in the BIOS
C)-> If your CPU not support [Intel® Speedstep ™ tech] or [Cool'n'Quiet] function,
please contact ASRock TSD from the link:
Q (242):
When I connect a HDMI_SPDIF cable from the HDMI VGA card (GTX260 or GF9800) to the onboard HDMI_SPDIF header, it cannot get sound from the HDMI output. What should I do?(11/27/2008)
A:The pin definition of the onboard HDMI_SPDIF header is different from the header of some VGA cards.
Please plug in the HDMI_SPDIF cable reversely like following picture.
Q (238):
I am using Intel® chipset X48 / X38 / P45 / P43 / G43 / P35 / G31 / P965 series motherboard with 4GB memory modules installed. But it always detects the memory size as 3GB instead of 4GB at POST screen. What should I do?(10/23/2008)
A:Please enter BIOS setup and enable the "Memory Remap Feature" option.
(BIOS / Advanced / Chipset Configuration / Memory Remap Feature)
Q (233):
I use Intel® CPUs, why the Vcore sometimes is lower than the value in the BIOS?(7/31/2008)
A:VCore on Pentium 4 (and newer generation CPUs) is no longer static. Please refer to the Intel® document below. It shows that the Vcore will decrease with the CPU loading increasing. That's why the Vcore may be lower.
Q (232):
I install more than 2GB system memory on my system. When I run the "Sound Recorder" under Windows® XP, it always shows the following error message. What's wrong?
A:This is the limitation of Windows® XP. Please refer to the Microsoft® Knowledge Base for details:
Q (229):
When I use Adobe Acrobat Reader ver 7.08 to read PDF file under Vista SP1, it pops up an error message: This program has some compatibility issue… What do I do?(4/28/2008)
A:Please go to Adobe website to download the latest Adobe Reader update ver 8.1.2 or later and update it to fix this issue.
Q (227):
How do I get my onboard LAN to work properly?(4/28/2008)
A:Here are some suggestions:
1.Make sure the "Onboard LAN" option was enabled in BIOS.
2.Make sure the LAN driver was installed properly. Please check it in "Device Manager".
3.Update the BIOS of your motherboard to the latest one.
4.Try the newer LAN driver from ASRock or chipset vendor's website.
5.Change another LAN cable. (For Gigabit LAN, please make sure your LAN cable could fully work with Gigabit LAN.)
6.Reinstall the operating system.
Q (224):
I use the ASRock WiFi card as software AP. However there are some APs around my place; how do I change the channel of the software AP to avoid the interference?(2/14/2008)
A:Please refer to the following steps to change the channel of software AP.
1.Click "Setup" to go into "Wireless Network properties.
2.De-select "Auto_Channel"
3.Choose the channel you want. (suggest to choose the channel 1 or 6 or 11, these channels are less interference with others)
4.Click "Finish" to finish the setup.
Q (215):
I'm using the AMD® AM2 Athlon 64X2 5000+ Black Edition CPU. The ratio of this CPU is unlocked. I would like to overclock it by adjusting the ratio. But after adjust the CPU ratio in BIOS and boot into the Windows, the ratio of this CPU does not change. What should I do?(12/19/2007)
A:Actually, it is AMD® CPU driver's behavior. To perform overclocking please disable the "Cool 'n' Quiet" function in BIOS-> Advanced-> CPU Configuration-> Cool'n'Quiet. Please refer to the following picture.
Q (212):
I'm using 4 GB system memory under Windows® XP Professional x64 Edition. Why can't I enable hibernation in the Power Option of Control Panel? It does not have hibernation tab in it!(11/5/2007)
A:Windows® XP Professional x64 Edition does not support hibernation with more than 4GB system memory. Please refer to the Microsoft® Knowledge Base for details:
Q (197):
If the MIDI/GAME port is enabled in the BIOS setup, the device manager will show yellow "!" under Windows® Vista™. Why?(3/19/2007)
A:Microsoft® had removed the support for MIDI/GAME port under Windows® Vista™. Please kindly refer to below Q&A No.4:
Q (194):
How do I enable Windows® Aero feature in my Windows® Vista™ Premium system?(2/15/2007)
A:First, your hardware must meet the requirements of the Windows® Vista™ Premium system. If not, you may not enable Windows® Aero.
Windows® Vista™ Premium system - Hardware Minimum Requirements
x86-compatible 32-bit CPU or x64-compatible 64-bit CPU
512MB Single Channel (Premium, Discrete models) 512MB x 2 Dual Channel (Premium, embedded models)
DirectX9.0 (with WDDM Driver) with 128bit VGA memory (Premium)
UAA Audio (HD Audio, USB Audio and IEEE1394 Audio) (Premium or Basic depends on Codec Vista logo level)
Second, please kindly refer to below steps to enable Windows® Aero feature:
1.Press right button of mouse at Desktop and click "Personalize".
2.Enter into "Windows® Color and Appearance" setting
3.Refer to below image to enter "Open classic appearance properties for more color options" setting.
4.Set "Color scheme" as "Windows® Aero".
Q (192):
I would like to use the analog CD-in function in Windows® Vista™. But the "Analog" item of Playback and Rip can not be selected in Windows® Vista™. It was gray. Why? (Here is the screenshot.)
A:Windows® Vista™ operating system does not support the analog CD-in. The output of CD/DVD-ROM playback will be digital only.
Q (191):
When my computer is in standby mode, I can not resume from USB devices. Can you help?(1/16/2007)
A:This is due to the design of Windows® XP system. You may refer to the Microsoft® Knowledge Base:
If you want to resume from USB devices, such as USB mouse, remote control, you may directly install the registry file below: and then restart your computer.
Q (13):
I am using the AMD® AM2 rev.G CPU. But the system always stops at POST after I turn on the system. I can't go into the operating system. What should I do?(12/19/2006)
A:For supporting AMD® AM2 rev.G CPU, please follow the steps to update the BIOS of your motherboard to the latest one.
1.Please press the "F2" key continuously right after turn on the system until it goes into the BIOS setup.
2.Please disable the "Cool'n'Quiet" function in BIOS setup.
3.Press "F10" key to save configuration changes and exit setup.
4.You can start to update the BIOS now.
How to update BIOS?
BIOS download page.
Q (186):
My power supply has two 4-pin (2X2) power connectors. Which one should I connect to the motherboard?(10/20/2006)
A:Please refer to the following pictures:
1.Please use this connector on the motherboard. (2 black and 2 yellow wires)
2.This is 20+4 pin connector; please only connect the 20-pin connector to the motherboard. Please DO NOT connect this 4-pin connector to the motherboard. (1 black, 1 yellow, 1 red and 1 orange wire)
Q (181):
What key should I press to enter into BIOS setup? What key should I press to enter into boot menu?(8/18/2006)
A:To enter BIOS setup, please press "F2" repeatedly right after you turn on the computer until system goes into BIOS setup.
If you want to enter into boot menu, please press "F11"
Q (170):
When I use DDR 400 (200 MHz) memory on my board, it shows that the DRAM frequency is running at DDR 333 (166MHz) in BIOS main page. The BIOS option "DRAM Frequency" is set at default setting "Auto". Why?(4/21/2006)
A:In order to get the best system compatibility and stability, we make it to run at DDR 333 (166MHz) when DDR 400 (200MHz) memory is installed and BIOS option "DRAM Frequency" is selected to "Auto". If you want to run DDR 400 (200MHz), please kindly adjust the BIOS option "DRAM Frequency" to DDR 400 (200 MHz) manually.
Q (165):
I have installed total 4GB memory on my motherboard. However, it can only recognize around 3GB or less. How should I do to recognize 4GB totally?(2/17/2006)
A:Please refer the description Q4 of Q&A-20.
This limitation applies to most chipsets & Windows® XP 32-bit version operating system.
If you want to get 4GB memory for your system, below two conditions must be required:
1. The memory controller which supports memory hole(memory remap) functionality is used. The latest chipsets like Intel® new chipset, or other chipsets and AMD® K8 CPU architecture can support the memory hole(memory remap) function.
2. Windows® XP Pro X64 Ed. (64-bit) or other OS which can address more than 4GB memory.
Q (161):
After installing Windows® XP x64 Edition, I see an "Unsupported Standard Game Port" in device manager. And there is no exclamation mark or error message. Why?(1/16/2006)
A:Microsoft® does not support game port in Windows® XP x64 Edition. If you want to use a joy pad or joystick in Windows® XP x64 Edition, please use an USB one.
Q (152):
How do I use "Boot from Network" function on ASRock motherboard?(10/17/2005)
A:Please press F2 when power on, enter the BIOS setting menu. Select the screen "Boot". Go to the sub screen "Boot settings Configuration". Set the item "Boot From Network" to "Enable". Press F10 to save the setting and reboot.
After restart, press F11 and select Network as the boot device. Or press F2 and enter the sub screen "Boot Device Priority" in BIOS "Boot" screen to change the boot priority of Network.
Q (132):
I use a HT CPU and an ASRock motherboard which supports Hyper-Threading. How do I know if my system is working under Hyper-Threading?(3/21/2005)
A:Please right click on the Taskbar and choose the Task Manager. In "performance" option, if you see two figures of CPU Usage History, it means that the system is working under Hyper-Threading. (Please refer to the following picture).
If you see only one figure of CPU Usage History, it means that the system is not working under Hyper-Threading. (Please refer to the following picture).
Non Hyper-Threading
Q (119):
My motherboards are K7VT4A+ and K7VM3. During the POST, it shows "Mac address are invalid in both CMOS and DMI. Press F1 to resume". What should I do?(12/15/2004)
A:Please try to install your CD-ROM, CD-RW, DVD-ROM, or DVD-RW to primary IDE (IDE1, blue connector) and install your hard drive to secondary IDE channel. If you still encounter problem, please download the tool to rewrite the MAC address from:
Q (120):
My CPU is Duron FSB 200 MHz CPU. Why my DDR 400 SDRAM can only run at DDR 266 speed on the K7VT6 motherboard?(12/15/2004)
A:According to the specification of VIA KT600, only DDR 266 SDRAM is supported if FSB 200 MHz CPU is installed. DDR 400 SDRAM is supported with FSB 266, 333, or 400 MHz CPU. Please refer to the following supporting table.
FSB \ Memory
DDR 266
DDR 333
DDR 400
200 MHz
266 MHz
333 MHz
400 MHz
Q (118):
My OS is Windows XP (or Windows 2000), and I have installed XP Service Pack 1 (Windows 2000 Service Pack 4). But when I use USB 2.0 devices, it will show "High-Speed devices is attached to a non-Hi-Speed port". How can I use USB 2.0 devices?(10/15/2004)
A:Please go to "device manager" to check if the driver was installed properly. If not, please do the following steps.
1.Right click the exclamation mark device and choose properties.
2.Click "update driver".
3.Choose "Install the software automatically"
4.Then it will find the device. Please click finish.
Q (114):
After updating Windows XP to service pack 2, some benchmark or programs may not work properly. What's going on?(9/14/2004)
A:Currently, Windows XP service pack 2 is causing some incompatible issue. For incompatible issue of service pack 2, you can refer to following Microsoft's web site:
Q (112):
My ASRock motherboard supports Hybrid Booster. Is Hybrid Booster a utility to install? Where can I get it?(9/14/2004)
A:The Hybrid Booster features supported on each models are a little different.
Please go to and find the specification of your motherboard and check the exact features supported.
Actually, Hybrid Booster is a combination of several features which have already been provided with the motherboards.
1. CPU Multiplier: Adjusted by setting onboard FID jumpers.
2. CPU Vcore adjustment: Adjusted by setting BIOS setup option.
3. CPU Frequency Stepless control: Adjusted by setting BIOS setup option.
4. AGP/PCI Frequency control: Adjusted by setting BIOS setup option.
5. ASRock U-COP: Hardware feature, no need to be adjusted.
6. Boot Failure Guard: BIOS feature, no need to be adjusted.
Please refer to for detailed explanations.
Q (106):
Does my ASRock K7 motherboard, which supports Athlon XP FSB 333 MHz CPU, support AMD® Sempron CPU?(8/16/2004)
A:Yes, all ASRock motherboards, which support Athlon XP FSB 333 MHz CPU, would support AMD® Sempron CPU by updating the BIOS. Also ASRock K8S8X motherboard would support AMD® Sempron CPU by updating the BIOS. Please refer to ASRock web site for more information.
Q (102):
Why is my 4GB of memory reported as about 3.5GB by the system if the chipset of the motherboard support to 4GB Memory size?(6/11/2004)
A:Under the current PC memory addressing, there is a memory area just below 4.0 GB which is reserved permanently. The maximum DDR memory support is actually about 3.5GB rather than 4GB. This limitation is caused by the current PC architecture in which the missing 0.5GB of memory addresses are reserved for PCI I/O space, AGP aperture mapping space, and other onboard device I/O space. Thus although the chipset datasheet may claim memory support for up to 4GB, the system actually only offers about 3.5GB with four 1GB DDR DIMMs installed. 32 bit processors only support 4GB of address space.
Q (97):
I'm using INTEL Prescott CPU on ASRock motherboard. After the system works for a while, I realize that the sound of the CPU fan is getting louder. What's wrong?(5/15/2004)
A:Please understand that this is a normal behavior of Intel boxed heat sink. The cooling fan which comes with Prescott CPU (see the following pictures) is an automatically adjustable CPU cooling fan and the speed of the fan will be adjusted according to the environment temperature. While higher temperature is detected by the INTEL boxed heat sink, the fan will speed up. So the sound will get louder.
Q (93):
My ASRock motherboard can support Prescott CPU. If I want to use Prescott CPU, is there anything I need to notice?(4/15/2004)
A:Prescott CPU needs more powerful power supply than Northwood CPU. Please use a 400W(or higher) power supply with Prescott CPU. We also recommend to use following vendors' power supply:Delta、FSP、Seventeam、Macron、Snake、AcBel Or please consult the suggestion of this website.
Q (89):
My on-board LAN is not working, I found that the MAC address of my on-board LAN is 00-00-00-00-00-00 or FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF. What's wrong?(4/15/2004)
A:The MAC address of the on-board LAN is erased. After updating the BIOS or clearing the CMOS, please boot up the system and enter the BIOS setup. After loading the BIOS default, please exit and save changes. Failing to do so may cause the MAC address disappeared. If the MAC address is gone, please contact ASRock technical support engineer for help. ( )
Q (87):
When connecting the POWER SW, POWER LED, RESET SW and HDD LED cables from my chassis to the PANEL1 connector on the motherboard, I found that the pin holes of the cable does not match with the connector. What should I do?(3/15/2004)
A:Please see the following pictures. If your POWER LED cable is designed with 2 cables in pin hole 1 and 3 (see Fig.1), please remove one of the cables and insert to the middle pin hole 2 (see Fig.2). Then, please refer to Fig.3 and Fig.4 for the connection.
Q (86):
My motherboard is Intel or ALi south bridge based motherboard. When I connect the ATX power connector to the motherboard, the system power on right away. Why?(3/15/2004)
A:This issue will happen if CMOS checksum is bad. Please enter the BIOS setup then load BIOS default setting to solve this issue.
Q (83):
When I play some video or audio media files through my IDE optical devices (CD-ROM and DVD-ROM). I feel that the video/audio playback is not smooth. What should I do?(2/17/2004)
A:It might be that the CDROM is transferring in PIO mode instead of DMA mode. It is highly recommended to enable the DMA function of your IDE optical devices (CD-ROM or DVD-ROM) in order to reduce the CPU loading when accessing optical discs. Please follow the bellow procedure to enable DMA mode.
In Windows 2000/XP, assuming that your IDE optical device is connected on secondary IDE channel as master drive,
Right click the "My computer" icon, select "Properties". Then, select "Hardware"----"Device Manager".
In "Device Manager", select "IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers"----double click "Secondary IDE Channel".
In "Secondary IDE Channel Properties", select "Advance Settings" and adjust the "Transfer Mode" of the CDROM (Device 0) from "PIO Only" to "DMA if available".
Click "OK".
In Windows 98SE/ME,
Right click the "My computer" icon, select "Properties". Then, select "Device Manager".
In "Device Manager", double click "CDROM". Then, double click your optical device under "CDROM".
In the new window which displays the optical device properties, select "Settings". Then, check the "DMA" box in "Options".
Click "OK".
Q (81):
I'd just finished setting up my system. When booting it up, I found that the LED of the floppy drive is always on and I cannot read any floppy disk with the floppy drive. Why?(1/14/2004)
A:Perhaps the floppy ribbon cable is connected to the floppy drive with the wrong orientation. Please reconnect the floppy cable and make sure to match the red marking on the floppy ribbon cable with Pin1 of the floppy drive connector. However, some floppy drives' connectors may not be easily to define Pin1. You can try to check around the connector. Usually, there will be labels for Pin1 or Pin2.
Q (75):
My parallel port printer can't work normally with my ASRock motherboard. What should I do now?(12/12/2003)
A:Please try to go to BIOS SETUP -> Advanced menu -> Peripheral Configuration -> Parallel Port Mode, and set it to "Normal".
Q (74):
I'm using an add-on LAN card on my ASRock motherboard. The LAN card provides a "Wake On LAN" connector with a cable. Is there a connector on the motherboard so that I can plug this cable?(12/12/2003)
A:There's no need to connect this cable to the motherboard and you are still able to use the "Wake On LAN" feature with the add-on LAN card. To use it, please remember to enable the "PCI Device Power On" option in BIOS.
Q (73):
I have an ASRock ATX motherboard. Do I need to screw on the double hole?(12/12/2003)
A:ASRock ATX motherboards are ATX specification 1.1 and 2.0 compliant, so the screw hole, which is on the right bottom of board, will be double holes design. According to the ATX specification, it is not necessary to screw this hole, you can please just use a plastic stand to bear this hole. If you still want to screw this hole, please do not over-tighten the screw, doing so may damage the board.
Q (71):
With 3Com /Intel Gigabit LAN card installed, my system cannot connect to the Internet if PC-cillin 2002 personal firewall is enabled. How do I solve it?(11/14/2003)
A:Please update the driver for PC-cillin 2002 personal firewall. The solution is available from Trend Micro Web Site.
English version:
Chinese version:
Q (66):
I'm using Duron 1600MHz Applebred CPU on your K7 series motherboard. How come the CPU is only recognized as a Duron 1200MHz CPU?(11/14/2003)
A:The FSB of Duron Applebred CPU (1400MHz to 1800MHz) is 266MHz. It is different from the former Duron CPU (FSB 200MHz). Please remember to adjust the FSB_SEL jumper to FSB 266MHz while using a Duron Applebred CPU.
Q (62):
I'm using an ASRock motherboard which supports Hyper-Threading technology. How come there is no Hyper-Threading technology option in BIOS setup?(10/15/2003)
A:The Hyper-Threading technology option in BIOS will appear only when a Hyper-Threading technology CPU is installed.
Q (56):
After I shut down the system, my USB mouse is still light on. Why?(8/15/2003)
A:In order to solve this problem, please adjust the PS2_USB_PWR1 jumper to pin 1-2(+5V).
Q (54):
My motherboard provides FID jumpers. Why I can't change my CPU multiplier even though I already adjust FID jumpers correctly?(8/15/2003)
A:If the multiplier of your CPU is locked by itself, you can't change it even though you set FID jumpers through the motherboard.
Q (52):
What is Boot Failure Guard (B.F.G)? How do I enable this function?(8/15/2003)
A:It is an ASRock new technology. While the system could not boot up normally at overclocking setting, the safe boot up mode will be issued from B.F.G and provides a BIOS setting interface for parameter reset/correction.
You don't need to adjust any setting to enable B.F.G. It is a basic function for ASRock motherboard.
Q (48):
When I'm going to install USB 2.0 driver for my Windows 2000, it asked me to update Service pack 4. Where can I get Service pack 4 for Windows 2000?(7/9/2003)
A:Windows 2000 service pack 4 is now available on Microsoft website.
Please refer to
Q (46):
How could I use Wake on LAN function?(7/9/2003)
A:All of ASRock motherboards support Wake on LAN. Please enable the "PCI Device Power On" in the Power menu of BIOS. After saving the changes and exit the BIOS, please boot into the Windows OS then shut down the system.
Now, the system is ready to be woken up through LAN by other computers.
Q (45):
I'm using ASRock motherboard. In the BIOS, I found that the Vcore is a little bit higher. Is this normal?(7/9/2003)
A:The value is still in tolerance of the CPU SPEC. It's more stable to set the Vcore a little higher under CPU SPEC. Please do not worry about it.
A:Please unplug the ATX power and remove the battery, use a metal material like paper clip to short the CLRCMOS1 soldering points or CLRCMOS2 jumpers for 3 seconds. After that, install the battery and plug the ATX power back to the motherboard.
Note: Please do not clear the CMOS right after you update the BIOS.
Q (42):
May I use the power supply without +12V power (4 pins) connector for ASRock Intel platform Motherboards? (6/13/2003)
A:ASRock has its own design to omit the Intel specified 4-pin connector. All needed power for motherboard can be supplied from 20-pin ATX connector. So ASRock P4 platform motherboards is able to support some power supplies without +12V 4-pin connector.
Q (41):
I found two digits or letters changing at the right bottom corner during POST screen. What is it?(6/13/2003)
A:This is the BIOS POST code. It represents each step BIOS does during POST screen.
Q (38):
How do I get the correct CPU speed after updating the BIOS?(6/13/2003)
A:After updating the BIOS, the default of BIOS will be loaded with stable setting and the system runs with slower speed to secure the first boot runs successfully. In order to make your system running with the optimum setting, please remember to load turbo/default setting after you update the BIOS.
Q (37):
What's the function of JL1 and JR1 jumpers on my ASRock motherboard?(5/9/2003)
A:When you connect speakers in back panel and front panel at the same time,
1. If the jumpers JL1 and JR1 are short, both front panel and rear panel audio connectors can work.
2. If both jumper caps on JL1 and JR1 are removed, only front panel audio works.
However, it requires your front panel to support the function.
Q (36):
If I install Win9x MR driver by pressing the auto setup of the support CD, the MR modem always picks up com 5. How do I solve it?(5/9/2003)
A:Please reload the driver by following steps:
1. Please click the properties of MR modem under "device manager".
2. Click the "driver" and click "update driver".
3. Select the driver you want.
4. Load the driver from the path to support CD\drivers\amr\win9x
Q (27):
Does ASRock motherboard support "Boot from USB device", if my USB device is bootable?(4/15/2003)
A:Yes! All of ASRock motherboards support "Boot from USB device".
When the system boot up, please press "F8" or "F11" to enter "Boot Menu" and select USB device for your fist boot device , then the system will boot from the USB device which you selected. For P4I45D, please plug the bootable USB device to USB port 2,3.
Q (25):
Sometimes I cannot boot up from my floppy disk, Why?(4/15/2003)
A:Please try to enable the "Floppy Seek" in the BIOS utility.
Q (30):
I'm using a AMD Athlon XP 2000+ processor with FSB 266MHz on K7S8X, but the FSB jumper can only set from 100, 133, 166MHz. How do I adjust to FSB 266MHz?(4/15/2003)
A:Please understand that AMD Athlon XP 2000+ processor with FSB 266MHz is actually running with 133*2=266MHz. Please adjust the FSB jumper to 100MHz for FSB 200MHz processors, 133MHz for FSB 266MHz processors and 166MHz for 333MHz processors.
Q (24):
Do I need to install USB2.0 driver if my system runs Win XP SP1?(3/3/2003)
A:You don’t need to install USB2.0 if you already upgrade to service pack 1 which
include USB2.0 driver.
Q (23):
Where can I get the detailed BIOS setting description?(3/3/2003)
A:You can find the detailed user manual and BIOS setting description in ASRock support CD.
Q (21):
Why I only see 1667MHz for my Athlon XP 2000+ CPU?(3/3/2003)
A:2000+ is the model number of AMD CPU, it does not represent the CPU frequency.
Please refer to for more information.
Q (20):
After I updated BIOS, ASRock LOGO disappeared when booting up. Why?(3/3/2003)
A:Please don't worried! ASRock has removed LOGO in the new BIOS for all ASRock model. It is normal that ASRock LOGO disappeared after flashing BIOS.
A:ASRock U-COP = ASRock Universal CPU Overheating Protection is a hardware level mechanism, which provide the auto-power-shut-off function to protect CPU from the damage while the CPU temperature getting high.
All ASRock Intel/AMD CPU series motherboards are equipped with ASRock U-COP.
Q (17):
Should I clear the CMOS after I upgrade the BIOS?(1/30/2003)
A:If your system is running fine, you do not have to clear the CMOS. Also please do not clear the CMOS right after you upgrade the BIOS. After upgrading the BIOS, please reboot your system once then you can clear the CMOS if you need to do it.
Q (16):
How can I set CPU FSB (Front Side Bus) correctly?(1/30/2003)
A:For Intel CPU: You do not need to do any setting. When you install CPU at the first time, all that you need to do is go to BIOS and "Load setup defaults", then the system will auto detect the correct CPU FSB.
For K7VT2 and K7VM2: There is a FSB_SEL jumper on the motherboard .
FSB 100Mhz set 2-3
FSB 133Mhz set 1-2
Q (7):
My PC runs Windows 98/ME, can I still use USB 2.0 products?(11/26/2002)
A:Since Microsoft is only developing drivers for Windows XP and 2000, you will have to use a 3rd party vendor's drivers. Also Power Management for USB 2.0 works fine under Windows XP. It may not work properly under Win98/ME/2000. Please check detailed information from Microsoft Web Site:
Q (2):
What's the meaning of AMI BIOS Beep Codes?(10/29/2002)
A:The following are AMI BIOS Beep Codes that can occur.
Beep Code
1 short
Memory refresh timer error.
2 short
Parity error.
3 short
Main memory read / write test error.
4 short
System timer failure.
5 short
Process error.
6 short
Keyboard controller BAT test error.
7 short
General exception error.
8 short
Display memory error.
9 short
ROM BIOS checksum error.
10 short
CMOS shutdown Read/Write error.
11 short
Cache Memory bad.
Q (4):
If I use 1 GB or more memory on the M/B, Windows 98/ME O.S. shows "Error Message: Insufficient Memory to Initialize Windows". What's wrong?(10/29/2002)
A:It's a limitation of Win9x/ME. Windows NT 4.0 / 2000 / XP has no problem, please check detailed information from Microsoft Web Site.;EN-US;Q184447
Q (3):
Can I install both DDR and SD RAM at the same time?(10/29/2002)
A:No! Please do not install DDR and SD RAM simultaneously.