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P (523): Which BIOS settings do I need to adjust when using 13.3” Side Panel?(3/1/2023)
R:Before using your side panel, please set "Primary Graphics Adapter” to "Onboard” in the BIOS settings to ensure the display work properly.

Intel 700 series:

To do so, please go to "Advanced”> "Chipset Configuration” and set "Primary Graphics Adapter” to "Onboard”. Then press [F10] to save the settings and restart the system.

Which BIOS settings do I need to adjust when using 13.3” Side Panel?


Please go to "Advanced”> "Onboard Device Configuration” and set "Display Priority” to "Internal Graphics”. Then press [F10] to save the settings and restart the system.

Which BIOS settings do I need to adjust when using 13.3” Side Panel?

#Side Panel #BIOS #Primary Graphics Adapter #Onboard Device Configuration